What is my skin type?

There are five common skin types: oily, dry, combination, normal, and sensitive.

Dry Skin: If your skin feels tight, rough, or flaky, especially after you wash your face, you may have dry skin.

Normal Skin: If your skin is well-balanced, and neither oily nor dry, you may have normal skin.

Oily Skin: If your skin appears shiny or greasy all over, especially in the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin), or if you're prone to acne breakouts, you likely have oily skin.

Combination Skin: If your skin is oily in some areas, such as the T-zone, but dry in other areas, such as the cheeks, you may have combination skin.

Sensitive Skin: If your skin is easily irritated, itchy, or prone to redness, you may have sensitive skin.

Here's how you can determine your skin type.

To test your skin type, you can try this simple method.

Wash your face with a mild cleanser, pat it dry, and wait for an hour. After an hour, examine your skin. If it looks shiny and greasy, you have oily skin. If it feels tight and looks flaky, you have dry skin. If it's oily in some areas and dry in others, you have combination skin.

If it looks well-balanced, you have normal skin, and if it feels itchy or shows redness, you have sensitive skin.

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